Things You Didn’t Know About Mission Bay, Florida
The Mission Bay area in Florida was originally a bay, but the land around it has been developed into a residential and commercial property. Mission Bay is home to SeaWorld Orlando, a popular tourist destination with more than 20 million visitors every year. Mission Bay also hosts some of the best fishing spots in Central Florida for both saltwater and freshwater fishing. It’s also one of only two places in Florida where you can see manatees up close. Boca Raton, FL can be seen here.
Mission Bay is a coastal community in Florida with an amazing shoreline. If you like to stand on the beach and enjoy the ocean, Mission Bay has some of the best beaches around! Click here to read about What to Expect When Visiting Lighthouse Point in Florida.
Mission Bay is just one example of how wonderful parts of Florida can be for people who love water sports. With so many different activities that can take place at Mission Bay – from kayaking, paddle boarding, sailing, or boating to surfing and fishing – it’s no wonder why this part of town attracts visitors all year long. You might even meet someone new while enjoying your time here — but if not, there are plenty more fish in the sea …er ..lake? Mission Beach also provides opportunities for bird watching, scuba diving, and snorkeling too.