Top Tips for Losing Those Last Few Pounds

As we know, Cryoskin is an important component of a healthy lifestyle geared toward losing fat and inches, and ultimately, losing weight. But the ways in which we go about losing weight is actually pretty strategic, especially when it comes to those last few stubborn pounds.

Yes, you can exercise daily, eat clean, and come for regular Cryoskin treatments at Physical Evidence Chiropractic— but simply engaging in the same routine day-in and day-out is not going to get you results.

In order to create change in the body, you must create change in its environment. Creating change in the body refers to forcing it do or experience something it is not accustomed to. Even for those who work out regularly, if they don’t change the volume, intensity, duration or frequency of those workouts, the body will adapt, and these exercises will just become a normal part of everyday life.

They will no longer challenge the body to do better — to be better.

As you stand there, struggling with what you see on the scale, remember that there arespecific ways to deal with those last few pounds that just don’t seem to budge. Boca Raton chiropractor Dr. David Lipman shares his top tips for losing said pounds, and keeping them off for good.

It may seem obvious, but exercise is a big factor; however, only when done the right way. We must remember that our total weight is made up of fat, muscle, bone, organs and water. If it is fat loss we are focused on, the objective is to create the need for the stored fat to be used and released as energy in the body. This is done through intense exercise, more specifically, creating an EPOC (excessive post-oxygen consumption) effect. This is what happens when one engaged in high-intensity interval training, known in the fitness world as HITT.

This concept means that the exercise being performed needs to be such that the body’s total oxygen needs cannot be provided during intense exercise, so the body makes up for it by drawing out energy from other parts of the body, mainly stored fat, for several hours post-exercise. This use of stored fat for energy is what we think of as “burning fat,” which of course, gets rid of it.

Your dietary lifestyle is another big component in losing weight. Dr. Lipman prefers specific eating styles to help with fat loss, these include intermittent fasting and following a paleo or ketogenic diet.

Intermittent fasting is often seen used by fitness enthusiasts and competitors, and may not always work for everyone’s lifestyle. However, it has proven very effective, when done properly, for reducing body fat and overall body mass. Intermittent fasting means that an individual will eat all of their meals within a six to eight-hour window, and fast for the remaining hours of the day. This concept taps into our physiological ancestry where hunters/gatherers didn’t necessarily know when or where their next meal would be coming from, so they needed to prepare their bodies to preserve fat for energy that may be needed for long periods of time.  

Following either the Paleolithic or Ketogenic diet can also be a huge help in losing fat, as both of these diets focus on utilizing stored fat for energy. The Paleo concept goes back to the “caveman” days, where all food consumed can be hunted and gathered; it focuses on filling up the body with enough healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber which will result in eating less and curbing weight gain.

The Keto diet is low-carb and high-fat, an ideal combination for fat burning. When you replace carbohydrates with fat, the body goes into a metabolic state called ketosis, which is when the body burns the fat for energy.

Everyone’s body is different, and therefore everyone’s fat loss regimen will be different. Dr. Lipman is available to speak with you more about the ideal fat loss tactics for you, and also recommends adding in Cryoskin treatments to increase the results of your fat loss journey. To schedule your first appointment, contact us today at 561-674-1217.

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